
Babacar Ba

Ambassador, Director of Partnerships and Economic and Cultural Promotion at the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs

1. A Key Player in African Integration and Economic Development

Ambassador and Director of Partnerships and Economic and Cultural Promotion within the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Babacar Sané BA is a strong advocate for inter-African cooperation. With over 25 years of experience in Europe, North America, and Africa, he leverages his expertise to enhance Senegal’s economic and cultural influence. His commitment is fully aligned with the vision of the E-Business International Summit, an event dedicated to innovation, digital transformation, and Africa's economic development.

2. A Visionary for the Digital and Economic Future of the Continent

Author of “Economic Diplomacy: Keys to Prosperity for Senegal” and a lecturer at the Master's program in Economic Diplomacy and International Cooperation at Cheikh Anta Diop University, Babacar Sané BA is a strategic thinker guiding decision-makers toward an integrated and competitive Africa. His expertise in economic diplomacy and investment attractiveness aligns with the ambitions of the E-Business International Summit, a key hub to catalyze business opportunities and strengthen exchanges between economic players from Africa and the world.

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